Backyard Gardening

Posted by admin

Jun 26, 2012 4:37:48 PM

Growing your own food at home, but don’t know where to start?

Everyone wants to grow delicious vegetables right in their own backyard, but many people don't know how to begin the process. Well lucky for you, Green City Growers is here to help. We build, install and maintain individual and family-sized produce farms for your backyard, deck, driveway or rooftop. We make it incredibly easy for you to get on your way to a beautiful green vegetable garden. Don't have enough time to maintain a garden but still want one? Perfect! Green City Growers expert horticultural team will come weekly and maintain your garden completely, and harvest all of the tomatoes’, herbs, squash, or whatever vegetable you want! Take initiative, be green, and locally grow food in your own backyard.



b.good Downtown
