Did You Know 30% of Our Food Supply is in Jeopardy?

Posted by admin

Mar 3, 2014 11:43:50 AM

Honey bees account for the necessary pollination of one third of everything we eat. One third! The increase in use of lawn chemicals, pesticides on crops and in gardens, and chemicals in the home is in large part to blame for the decimation of our bees… And there IS something we can do about it.

5 Things You Can Do To Help Honey Bees

1. Plant organic bee friendly plants and flowers.
If you’re planning an edible garden, let herbs be your bee-friendly go-to. “Chives, dill, fennel, lavender, marjoram, mint, nasturtium, rosemary, sage, and thyme are all wonderful herbs to include in your arsenal that support honey bee health and nutrition,” says Green City Growers Horticultural Director Laura Feddersen.

2. Don’t use toxic persistent chemicals in your home or gardens.
A perfect lawn or garden is too often achieved through the use of chemicals that harm insects, particularly honey bees. “We use organic practices to deter the harmful pests without hurting the beneficial ones, like bees,” Laura explains, “and you can too. For example, spray kaolin clay to disguise plants and introduce natural predators like ladybugs. We dedicated an entire chapter to organic pest and disease management in the Urban Bounty book published last year.”

3. Support local sustainable agriculture which houses up to 50% more healthy bees.
Better yet, BE that local sustainable agriculture by starting your own vegetable garden! “People living in urban environments often don’t consider vegetable gardening because they don’t think they have the space or the time for it. Not so,” says Green City Growers founder and CEO Jessie Banhazl. “We specialize in making space for vegetable gardens anywhere the sun shines! Rooftops, parking lots, anywhere. And our farmers can do as much or as little of the gardening work as you want for you.”

4. Purchase raw organic honey from local sustainable bee keepers.
This is not only good for the local bees, but for you too. Honey that has been made by local bees (a 5-10 mile radius from where you live), helps alleviate seasonal allergies. Add a hive next to your organic bee-friendly garden! Green City Growers local partner Best Bees installs and maintains hives all around Greater Boston, and will be participating in the Urban Farming Course with a topic on bee keeping in the city.

5. Tell your local garden store to stop selling bee killing insecticides, pesticides and chemicals.
We all know money talks. If we stop buying it, they’ll stop selling it. So, while it is important voice eliminating these chemicals from store shelves, it’s more effective to eliminate the demand for these products.

Together, let’s save our honey bees!

Join Green City Growers March 21-23 for an intensive Urban Farming Course weekend. Space is limited! Register online or call 617-776-1400 to register over the phone.



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