Grow Your Own Salad

Posted by admin

Jun 6, 2012 11:00:48 AM

An Intern's Day in the Field

There is nothing better than sharing a fresh salad with good friends! Yesterday the other interns and I worked with Alison who is one of our horticultural experts on re-potting some of our starter plants and harvesting produce. The more time I spend around her, the wider my eyes are opened to how much there is to learn about growing your own and how much fun it can be.

Last night I brought a mix of kale, lettuce, arugula, pea shoots, and radishes home, and was amazed how large the salad was that I had picked so quickly from the Green City Growers raised beds, and it was so DELICIOUS! Last week I went out in the field with Alison to some residential gardens where I saw just how easy Green City Growers makes it for people to have fresh, organic produce at home all the time! The tomato, strawberry, and herb plants we prepared are coming with us to sell at our upcoming events, so be sure to check out our calender and take advantage of the sale!

- Macy the Intern



b.good Downtown
