The Right Bed For You

Posted by admin

Jun 6, 2012 10:17:25 AM

When deciding on which Green City Grower's garden bed is right for your home or business, I think that it would be smart for anyone to seriously think about our adaptive raised-beds. These beds are a perfect fit for anyone who doesn't want the hassle and back pain that comes from leaning over when you are planting or harvesting your garden. Raised-beds are a great way to grow produce in a contained, clean aesthetic on your property.

Raised-beds can be placed on top of any surface, including concrete, rooftops, and gravel. The adaptive raised beds can be set to different heights, and are handicap accessible. So for anyone who has any back pain in the past, I would absolutely reccomend our adaptive raised-beds so your gardening career can go on for years and years without worrying about a bad back.

Topics: raised, garden bed, garden, back



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