Why You Need a Green City Growers Cold Frame

Posted by admin

Oct 11, 2013 1:52:38 PM

For all of October, Green City Growers is offering our unique cold frames at a 5% discount. Combine your cold frame with the purchase of one of our raised beds, and enjoy 10% off your whole purchase! To celebrate this offer, we’ve compiled the top 4 ways a cold frame can change the way you garden.

1. Overwinter cold-hardy crops.

There’s no need to let your garden stay empty during the winter. Instead of clearing off an empty patch of soil in April, why not enjoy a garden full of ready-to-eat spinach? Cold-hardy crops planted in your cold frame in late fall will grow slowly through the winter and be ready to harvest as soon as spring arrives.

Jessie and Cold Frame

2. Plant early in the spring...

GCG cold frames can advance your growing season by 6 weeks. Instead of planting in April, plant at the beginning of March!

Lyndsay and Cold Frame

3. ...and keep growing into the fall.

The typical Massachusetts growing season ends in October, but a cold frame extends your harvesting season by 6 weeks, into December.

Adrienne and Cold Frame

4. They’re low-maintenance.

GCG cold frames come with a heat activated automatic arm that opens and closes the lid, which is critical in the Spring and Fall as temperatures fluctuate, allowing for the highest possible success rate without constant monitoring.

Mass Med Cold Frame




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