Concluding a great summer

Posted by admin

Aug 28, 2012 4:50:56 PM

In honor of our last week here at Green City Growers, Dana and I have decided to make one final blog about some of the great and valuable things we have learned here.

1. How local food connects to sustainability
2. You can add coffee grounds and lye to soil to affect the PH level
3. How great it can be to have easy access to tons of fresh produce right outside your office
4. How participating in a local food movement builds community
5. The importance of professionalism in the business world
6. That we will never know as much about gardening as the GCG hort team
7. There are farms on rooftops all around the city
8. You can use paper towels as coffee filters when you run out and are too lazy to go get more
9. Investing energy in exposure to new markets is key for a small business
10. It takes an amazing amount of Jessie Banahzl's hard work, determination, passion and so much more to run this business
We met so many great people and are very thankful for the opportunity to be a part of such an amazing company. It was a great learning experience in which we gained knowledge and an appreciation for urban agriculture that we will have for the rest of our lives

Matt Connolly
Dana Ress



b.good Downtown
