The Final Hours of Dan the Intern… the Legend

Posted by admin

Nov 21, 2013 4:11:21 PM

Blueberry_BushesSince my first day at Green City Growers, back in May, I’ve taken away a lot more than I thought I would. Being an Environmental Science major concentrating in Geology and minoring in Mathematics and Physics, I don’t study anything outside the realms of science in school. This internship not only progressed my understanding of plant and soil science, it taught me the in and outs of how a business is run. Being a business development intern, a lot of my responsibilities include marketing, client outreach and sales; again, nothing I would learn or take a class on in school. Although I am excited to go back to classes in January at Northeastern, it has been an awesome change of pace.

Apart from all of the marketing and business development tactics I learned, this internship has made me a better-rounded human. Up until this point I never worked a 9 to 5 position and never knew the commitment it entailed. So in a sense, it caused me to mature as a person.

Green City Crowers has also turned me on to a social mission I was previously aware of, but never passionate about. I’ve always loved sustainability but until this summer, I was never aware that urban farming was such an easy and brilliant way to live sustainably.

In short, I’m so grateful for having had the opportunity to work at GCG. I finally gained experience working in a field that I wouldn’t have in my academic career and I am confident that it will shine through and it will be useful in whichever path I choose in life.

Dan Chamberlain



b.good Downtown
