The "Other" Presidential Garden

Posted by admin

Jun 28, 2012 9:58:27 AM

There has been a spike in public interest and media attention on home gardening since the release of Michelle Obama’s new book, American Grown.

The book tells the story of starting a kitchen garden at the White House and explores issues childhood obesity and health in America. The current white house kitchen garden is the first since Eleanor Roosevelt planted her victory garden in the 1930’s. But there is another garden of Presidential magnitude that is perhaps more impressive than both of these. Thomas Jefferson planted a vegetable garden at Monticello after finishing his terms as President. That garden, which is still thriving today, is absolutely incredible. Jefferson grew over 330 different varieties of vegetables on a backyard (side-yard) garden that spanned 80,000 square feet. This does not include his vineyard, orchards, or flower gardens. Today, the gardens are tended to by a full time staff who divide the harvests between the Monticello Cafe, employees, and local food banks. Peter Hatch, Monticello’s head gardener, has recently published a book about the garden called A Rich Spot of Earth.

Learn more about this mind boggling garden and the man behind it on, and more about A Rich Spot of Earth. Enjoy!



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