Stock Your Herbal Pharmacy

Posted by Augusta Nichols-Even

Oct 15, 2014 1:25:00 PM

While everyone's busy worrying about Ebola... Sneezing, sniffling, coughing, aching head - the dreaded cold season is suddenly upon us! And none of us is immune. So Farmer Adrienne (Green City Growers' Director of Education) shared her fail-safe hyperlocal herbal FARMacy cheat sheet to get us all through unscathed. 


Immune Support Herbs

Elderberry (syrup is best)
Astragalus Root
Rosemary (essential oil diluted in water makes a good air purifier, and massage essential oil into the bottom of your feet - refer to the reflexology essential oils guide)


For Sore Throat

Sage (make a tea of fresh or dried leaves)

For Congestion

Cayenne Pepper
Apple Cider Vinegar
Eucalyptus Essential Oil
Thyme (boil fresh thyme sprigs and then add drops of essential oil - eucalyptus, mint, tea tree or rosemary- lean over pot and breathe in the steam)
Plantain (make a tea of leaves, use sparingly)


For Lungs

Mullein (tea, oil rubbed into chest and feet, or steam)

It's a good idea to start supporting your immune system with your herbal pharmacy arsenal BEFORE you're directly exposed: astragalus root powder in your morning smoothie, daily echinacea, rosemary purifier at your desk. And if you know you've been exposed (your coworker sounds like a bullfrog), supplement your daily immune boost routine with elderberry syrup and nettle immediately.

Many of the items in Farmer Adrienne's herbal pharmacy can be grown at home in your own herbal pharmacy garden: rosemary, sage, garlic, cayenne pepper, thyme, mint. Others are found wild: nettle, coltsfoot. All can be purchased in the wellness section of just about any natural food store.

Farming & education have a very practical role in everyday life, especially where maintaining optimal health is concerned. Green City Growers offers a variety of urban agriculture workshops and a comprehensive urban farming course geared to all skill levels to get the most out of the space you have and the harvest you grow.

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