Grow Your Own Herbal Tea Garden This Winter

Posted by Augusta Nichols-Even

Oct 21, 2014 9:49:00 AM

Intimidated by the idea of starting a large garden? Living in a third story apartment without a yard? Like tea? It might be time for an herbal tea garden.  Growing your own herbs is surprisingly easy, as long as you have sunlight and a bit of space - enough for a container garden - even a windowsill will do.

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This is the perfect opportunity to get creative! Paint an old shipping pallet, or pick up inexpensive paint cans to house your herbs - both pictured.

There are many varieties of herbs that are both delicious in tea and look beautiful in an outdoor garden or indoor planter. Mint, lemon balm, and chamomile are all good indoor options, while outdoors bee balm, lavender, and rose all have colorful flowers. Herbs also have medicinal qualities, so you can enjoy your tea guilt free!

fresh-mint-herbal-tea herbal-garden-tea

If you're thinking of putting your garden indoors, choose a south-facing window to maximize exposure to the sun. Six+ hours of sunlight is best for most edible plants, but some herbs (such as mint) can thrive on as little as four. If you don't have a green thumb, mint may be a great herb to start with because it is hardy and comes in a number of interesting varieties. In fact, mint is so good at growing that it's best to put it in a container garden (like a pot, window box or milk crate) instead of in an open garden. If left unchecked mint will spread like a weed, quickly taking over all of the available growing space!

Once the herbs have started to grow they can be harvested and either hung up to dry or steeped right away in hot water. After 4-6 minutes, remove the herbs and enjoy your freshly brewed cup of tea!

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Topics: Garden Recipes, Using your harvest



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