Ladybugs: Friend or Foe? Natural Pest Control for Gardens

Posted by Kelli Halligan

Jul 8, 2014 2:58:00 PM

Have you ever wondered why ladybugs were considered good luck? At Green City Growers we decided to take matters into our own hands and dig up all things ladybug, including how great they are as a natural pest control for gardens.

natural pest control for gardens

Our ladybug educational journey began by looking back to the legends of medieval European farmers. One popular story told the tale of farmers calling upon the Virgin Mary to save crops from being ravaged by pests and disease. They believed Virgin Mary sent ladybugs to their gardens to eat the pests that were spreading disease and death among their crops; ultimately saving the agriculture and bringing cheer back to the farming community. To pay Virgin Mary respect, these medieval gardeners named the red, spotted beetles "ladybugs,"deriving the name from the idea that they were a miracle from "Our Lady." 

Our Green City Growers' horticultural experts see the magic of ladybugs flourish at the beginning of every season:

"Natural pest control for gardens is something we strive to implement...We see the most success from our ladybugs early in the season when aphids are at their prime." -Adrienne Wilson, Green City Growers Horticulturist and Director of Education 

Ladybug larvae are literally aphid-eating machines; these little pests being quite a challenge if left unchecked. To optimize the powers of the ladybug, Green City Growers releases them into their gardens with cold frames still in place early in the season. This method keeps the ladybugs warm and encourages mating so a new generation of aphid-eating larvae will be right around the corner. 

Are you ready to introduce ladybugs into your garden? 

Learn More

To learn more about ladybugs and other natural pest control for gardens make sure to check out our book The Urban Bounty: How to Grow Fresh Food, Anywhere. For a more hands-on approach, join us for an intensive urban farming weekend July 11-13 during which we will be hosting our Urban Farming Course taught by Green City Growers' team of professionals. 

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Topics: pest and disease control



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