Pruning Herbs 101: Invest Plants in the Right Place at the Right Time!

Posted by Kelli Halligan

Jul 9, 2014 11:18:25 AM

Did you know that pruning is a great way to increase productivity in your garden? Pruning gives the farmers here at Green City Growers the incredible powers to limit, guide, or promote new growth in our raised beds

But what exactly is pruning? Horticulturist and Director of Education Adrienne Wilson best describes it as a technique used in order to cut away unwanted growth. She shares that it can be done by various tools based on the type of plant, such as shears, scissors, or even a saw. 


Notice how close to the ground Farmer Erik is cutting these mint plants. 

Herbs flourish beautifully from pruning methods due to their taste, fragrance, and quality being at their best right before they flower. By cutting off flowers just as they are forming, herbs are able to produce larger and better leaves while prolonging the life of the plant. This also prevents harmful seeds from turning the flavor of the herbs into a bitter or woody taste, as well as helps the plant from avoiding disease. 


To keep fast-growing herbs neat and manageable, such as mint, oregano, thyme, and lemon balm (see a list of herbs), prune back any long branches or trailing stems to within a few inches of the source. These herbs tend to sprawl and spread if left to their own devices; without pruning, the plants would continue to extend themselves, producing new growth at the tips of its branches and very little at its core. 


Fresh oregano works great in our recipe for sautéed summer squash, zucchini, cherry tomatoes and toasted almonds.

Green City Growers finds that pruning flowers off of the herbs not only increases a plant's harvest in the long term, but removes short term distractions for the plant early in its development so it can focus its energy on production. 

Still have questions about pruning?

Learn More

For a hands-on approach to learn about pruning and much more, join us for an intensive urban farming weekend July 11-13 during which we will be hosting our Urban Farming Course taught by Green City Growers' team of professionals. To learn more about pruning herbs or maintenance for your garden on your own, check out our book The Urban Bounty: How to Grow Fresh Food, Anywhere.

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